Planned Giving

All giving is warmly welcomed and much appreciated, but regular giving allows us to plan ahead, budget appropriately and it significantly reduces our administrative burdens.

There are two main approaches for regular giving: the Parish Giving Scheme and a Standing Order.

Parish Giving Scheme

For us, the best way to give regularly is through the Parish Giving Scheme which was set up by the Church of England using a Direct Debit system that also collects any Gift Aid due to us. This reduces the amount of paperwork we have to complete in order to benefit from Gift Aid with other forms of giving.

It offers the option, without any obligation, of an inflation-related annual increase to your chosen amount for regular giving.

It is now also very easy to join, as a new telephone service has been launched so you can set it up easily and quickly.

The dedicated telephone number is: 0333 002 1271
Lines are open Monday to Friday, between 9 – 5pm.

You will need to have your bank account details and they will ask for:

Parish Name – Holy Innocents
Parish Number – 230623194

For these reasons, we encourage everyone who gives regularly to use the Parish Giving Scheme, particularly if you are at the moment making payments by standing order.

You can find out more at

Or by downloading the information document: PGS Information

The Parish Giving Scheme gift form can be downloaded here: PGS Gift Form

Standing Order

If you still prefer to use a Standing Order for your regular giving, then you can use the form HERE.

Please also remember to GiftAid your donation if you are a UK taxpayer, as it increases your donation by 25% (at no extra cost to you) because The Church of The Holy Innocents & St John is a Registered Charity (Number:1132166).

If you need to complete a GiftAid declaration then you can use the one HERE.

We do still warmly welcome all regular cash giving using the envelopes available and donations box, when the church is open.