Special Services

We warmly invite you to join us for our Christmastide services and events, supporting West London Action for Children (WLAC), and UNICEF


Advent – From sunset on 30th November to sunset on 24th December



Saturday 30th     Eve of Advent

5.00pm                     Evensong at St Paul’s Cathedral


Advent Preaching Series – Time and Place


In Advent we remember Our Lord entering history in a specific time and place. We also remember the particular times He has entered our lives and the life of our Parish Community. And we pray for the time when He will come again to be our Judge. In this Advent Preaching Series Time and Place we reflect on the different times of night and day in the life of our parish, how our patterns of living unfold and our need to see Jesus in the daily rhythms of our community life.  



Sunday 1st    Advent I

8.30am                     Holy Communion (BCP)

10.10am                   Parish Eucharist


Saturday 7th Ambrose of Milan

10.00am                  Praying with S. Ambrose – An Advent Quiet Time


Sunday 8th Advent II (The Conception of The Blessed Virgin Mary)

8.30am                     Holy Communion (BCP)

10.10am                   Parish Eucharist


Wednesday 11th    

7.00pm                     Christmas Concert

Imperial College Union Gospel Choir  


Friday 13th

5.30pm                     Brackenbury Residents Association

Lighting of the Christmas Tree, Daily Shot Warehouse on Aldensley Rd


Saturday 14th

5.00pm                     Children’s Concert

A concert for children to play their pieces and for us to enjoy some music-making together. Please invite your friends and family for the concert and tea afterwards. 

Please contact Ash at clearlyash.charles@gmail.com for more information.


Sunday 15th Advent III

8.30am                     Holy Communion (BCP)

10.10am                   Parish Eucharist


Wednesday 18th

7.00pm                     Carol singing at the Crown & Sceptre pub – all welcome

Meet at the church at 6.30pm


Saturday 21st 

10.00am                   Preparing the Church for Christmas

Everyone welcome


Sunday 22nd Advent IV

8.30am                     Holy Communion (BCP)

10.10am                   Parish Eucharist


Monday 23rd O Emmanuel

7.30pm                     Advent Lessons and Carols

Followed by mulled wine and mince pies


Christmas – From sunset on 24th December to sunset on 5th January


Tuesday 24th Christmas Eve

4.00pm                     A Family Christmas Service with the Blessing of the Crib

11.00pm                   The First Eucharist of the Nativity of our Lord (Midnight Mass)


Wednesday 25th Christmas Day

10.10am                   Parish Eucharist


Sunday 29th The First Sunday of Christmas

10.10am                   Parish Eucharist

11.45am                   Confirmation Session 1



Sunday 5th The Second Sunday of Christmas

10.10am                   Parish Eucharist

11.45am                   Confirmation Session 2


EpiphanyFrom sunset on 5th January 5 to sunset on 2nd February


Monday 6th  The Epiphany

7.30pm                     Holy Eucharist


Saturday 11th The Holy Innocents (Feast of Title)

7.30pm                     Parish Eucharist (Sung Mass)

Followed by Prosecco and nibbles


Sunday 12th The Baptism of Christ

8.30am                     Holy Communion (BCP)

10.10am                   Parish Eucharist (Anointing of Candidates for Confirmation)

11.45am                   Confirmation Session 3


January 18th-25th – Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


Sunday 19th Epiphany II

8.30am                     Holy Communion (BCP)

10.10am                   Parish Eucharist

11.45am                   Confirmation Session 4


Saturday 25th The Conversion of St Paul

10.10am                   Holy Eucharist


Sunday 26th Epiphany III

8.30am                     Holy Communion (BCP)

10.10am                   Parish Eucharist

11.45am                   Confirmation Session 5


Ordinary Time Before Lent – From sunset on 2nd February to sunset on 4th March      



Sunday 2nd Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas)

8.30am                     No Early Service

10.10am                   Parish Eucharist with Confirmations

The Bishop of Kensington, Presiding and Preaching

Followed by a Community Bring and Share lunch.


Friday 28th   

7.30pm         Concert in aid of UNICEF

Original compositions and arrangements for Clarinet Ensemble and Brass Quintet, performed by Clariphonics and South West Brass.